From carpenter to farmer.
With and from nature. 365 days a year.
The Bacherhof is located at about 1,150 m above sea level and today covers 40 ha. 20 hectares of agricultural land and 20 hectares of forest.
From the Gegendtal to the Mirnock
Simon Schwaiger, a skilled carpenter worked at the construction of a sawmill near today's Bacherhof. There he learned that the farm was for sale. Together with his wife Elisabeth (née Striegler) he took heart and bought the mountain farm in 1860.
Simon Schwaiger handed over the farm to his son Eduard and his wife Katharina (née Possegger). Eduard also had to serve in the Second World War and came back seriously ill. His son Josef and the neighbours worked diligently and so a new barn was completed in 1924. In 1926 Josef took over the farm and married his Maria (née Perner) in 1934.
Already in 1938 the foundation stone for self-sufficiency was laid.
A mill with a small electrical plant (4KW/110V direct current) was built next to the mountain farm. This mill was extended by a sawmill in 1948.
In 1951 the residential house was underpinned and the cellar was built.
The 60s
Josef's son Albin and his wife Gerta (née Glanznig) took over the Bacherhof. In 1965 the first tractor was bought. The oxen and horses were allowed to breathe a sigh of relief. Before that they were responsible for the progress of the various field and forest works. All kinds of grain, potatoes, flax, horse beans ripened on the lush southern slopes of the Mirnock. In 1968 the barn was renovated and a common drinking water supply was built with the neighbour (player).
The 80s
The power station was enlarged in 1984 by extending the slope. The power could now be improved to 18KW/220V alternating current. During the same period the farmland underwent many improvements.
Since 2000 Helmut, the son of Albin and Gerta, and his wife Manuela (née Erlacher) have been managing the farm. In addition to the construction of the organic sewage treatment plant, the expansion of the granary into a holiday home, the construction of the wood chip heating system, the installation of a 40KW photovoltaic system and the enlargement of the current stable building took place.
The next generation is in the starting blocks.
Helmut and Manuela's children are already actively involved in the farm and business life of the Bacherhof. The passion for the working environment of the mountain farm, which has been lived for 160 years, will be continued. With understanding. Dedication and a lot of determination.